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Zaslal: 7.10.2021 17:57 Amazon carding tutorial pdf download |
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Amazon carding tutorial pdf download
1. CC/CVV quality with address, name, phone number, zip code, city and state. Don't try to buy good cards cheaply, pay good money for good cards! Buy CC here! 2. Socks 4/5 to the state and if you can city as it would be perfect. This sock should not be used before! Don't be a minuscule, buy some good socks. Socks are as important as quality cards! 3.
You will need programs to clear cookies and other flagship pieces. Get CCleaner - this program is free and has everything you need. Getting a flash cookie cleaner is free as well. 4. Antidetect 7 or FraudFox VM: They are not needed, but they really increase your scouring success to almost 100%. The main thing is to set up correctly. The Internet is full of
guides on how to do this A address for real things or if your scouring digital items you don't need it. Great! let's start! First Method (Most Successful) Restart your computer and make sure that you have used the ccleaner and flash cleaner cookie and they are working. Disk cleaning in windows is also used. Create a new Amazon account using new good
socks. Modern scouring protection monitors user behavior on the site. Therefore, you should act as a typical buyer, and not go directly to your product. Use search, view various knick-knacks, add them to the cart, but don't buy. These should be completely different items, not the ones you want to design. When you exit the Amazon virtual store, leave your
computer and stop it. Sleep. In 5 or more hours, go back to Amazon and clean your cart. Now let's open it. Now find items that fall within your card limit somewhere between $30 and $150. Use your credit card to pay for selected items. You may have to wait until amazon approves your order or not. Sometimes it's accidental, I swear. The order was now to be
accepted and shipped. If not, you either have a crap card worth less than what you're trying to design, or you dropped the flag. Go back and check your settings. This is pretty complete proof of how the amazon card works. If everything is in place and you have your bases covered you should be in and out. Make sure you check if you are an IP leak cause
that will drop the flag as well: Now we can also speed up this order if it is in processing only so that it is not written off and marked before it is shipped. Send an amazon message from the message created for this account. Gmail is the preferred email for this installation, as it is much more trusting for its security signed measures. Use the pretext to get them
to speed it up. There's a reason to get involved in what you buy. Let's sayneed a $800 gun camera and then tell them you need it for the day for your student project, otherwise you will fail the class, etc. Don't forget it's a real person on the other side, so make your excuse an excuseand don't go too deep. They can now ask you to call the phone number
associated with your CC account. This happens maybe 30% of the time. Just say OK and I hope no one picks up on the other end and luck is on your side. If they send you another email saying they tried to contact you but didn't respond, just say "I'm so sorry I changed my number and I haven't updated it with my company CC yet" and then give them the
device number you can answer. Now, if everything goes smoothly, then you have combed your first real item on Amazon. Now that you have done that your account is trusted and you can place an order between $500 and $800 or until the card is maximized. Stay below $2,000 per order. Max. card exit as quickly as possible, but be invisible and act as a real
buyer. Security for the most part bots and the formulas they use are really intense, so when I say act like a real buyer, I mean that either you will be limited and blocked. Just understand that these methods work 90% of the time and most of the success of scouring I on the carder myself and he has settings. With Antidetect or Fraudfox, scouring success is
closer to 95%. Amazon, eBay and PayPal are getting harder and harder to make cards and scam every day, and pretty soon it won't be possible, so you'll realize you need to have everything in the tip of the top setup and stay ahead of the bots. Second method This method is slightly better for low-level cards or just a simpler method, then higher, since
security is a little softer because the purchase amount is less. This method is also not as successful as described above. All the same as above, except this time to buy an item worth about $2.00. Get the lowest and cheapest delivery time as it throws less of a safety flag. Now that your order has been approved, like the first one, your account is now trusted. I
recommend using FedEx for your shipping method as it has less security compared to UPS and USPS for a real order. Now the card totals $600- $800 dollars and it has to go right through. You can also open a seller's account and attac |